Join the AlumniJan 10, 2022Are you currently an active member?..... NO?Become one today! Click the link below:'s that simple!
Are you currently an active member?..... NO?Become one today! Click the link below:'s that simple!
Joint Holiday PartyDec 11, 2021Thank you to our Alumni who took time out of their busy schedules to make this years SkillsUSA Massachusetts Holiday Party a success!
Thank you to our Alumni who took time out of their busy schedules to make this years SkillsUSA Massachusetts Holiday Party a success!
Meat RaffleDec 1, 2021Come join us on Friday December 17th at the Cathay Center in Weymouth, MA.All proceeds will benefit the SkillsUSA Alumni's Scholarships and Charities.We hope to see you there!!
Come join us on Friday December 17th at the Cathay Center in Weymouth, MA.All proceeds will benefit the SkillsUSA Alumni's Scholarships and Charities.We hope to see you there!!