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Join SkillsUSA MA Alumni Today!

Complete the form below to join as an alumni member. To become an 'active' member and participate, visit our payment center to pay your dues!


About your Alumni Association

Explore the page below to learn about your Executive Council, volunteer opportunities, and other SkillsUSA resources!

Alumni Executive Council

Our Association

The Massachusetts SkillsUSA Alumni Association is one of the major support groups of SkillsUSA Massachusetts.  All association members are  either former members of V.I.C.A, SkillsUSA-VICA, or SkillsUSA or any person with a desire to support and strengthen technical, skilled, and service occupations, including health occupations, education and programs in the state of Massachusetts through participation in our organization.

Massachusetts SkillsUSA Alumni Association was established to support educational programs in the state of Massachusetts revolving around SkillsUSA. We strive to engage students, alumni, schools, business & industry partners and leaders in the state of Massachusetts to take part in educational activities and possible sponsorships.


SkillsUSA Massachusetts Alumni Association has a governing board of directors consisting of a minimum of 5 voting members, and one non-voting advisor.  The executive committee provides leadership to the alumni membership and are voted into their position by the membership.

Volunteer Opportunities


Fall State Leadership Conference

As alumni, the Fall State Leadership Conference is our biggest event, where we introduce SkillsUSA Massachusetts to new members. This overnight conference offers alumni the chance to lead workshops, host mini-games, present awards, and help students earn their leadership award!

Annual Holiday Party

Each year at our annual holiday party, the alumni come together to serve families in need, spreading holiday cheer through an afternoon of fun, festivities, and heartwarming activities. This special opportunity allows you to give back, celebrate the season, and make a difference in our community!

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SmartStart Conference

At the SmartStart Conference, designed for freshmen, we aim to inspire students to continue their SkillsUSA journey. As alumni, we also advocate for the Alumni Association, highlighting the opportunities and benefits it offers for their future!

SAIL Conference

At the SAIL Conference, we prepare seniors for life beyond high school with valuable tips, engaging workshops, and networking opportunities to support their future success.


State Leadership & Skills Conference

At the State Leadership and Skills Conference, alumni play a crucial role in ensuring the event runs smoothly. We assist students in navigating their competitions, support the state organization, and help keep the conference on track and efficient.

Our Other Organizations


SkillsUSA Massachusetts

Explore the SkillsUSA Massachusetts website for conference winner updates, State staff contact details, and the latest news!



Check out the national SkillsUSA website to join as a national alumni member, stay informed with conference updates, SkillsUSA news, and sign up for their email list!

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