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State Leadership & Skills Conference

Complete the form below to volunteer as an alumni member. To become an 'active' member and participate, visit our payment center to pay your dues!

2025 State Leadership and Skills Conference - Alumni Volunteer Application

SkillsUSA Massachusetts has requested SkillsUSA MA Alumni members to volunteer at the 2025 State Leadership and Skills Conference, Thursday May 1st through Saturday May 3rd.

Availability for Thursday May 1st (Check only one)
I am available all day (Arrival time estimated for 11AM)
I am available for a partial day (please explain below)
I am not available
Availability for Friday May 2nd (Check only one)
I am available all day
I am available for a partial day (please explain below)
I am not available
Availability for Saturday, May 3rd (Check only one)
I am available all day
I am available for a partial day (please explain below)
I am not available
Have you attended a SkillsUSA MA event as a member of the Alumni before?
Shirt Size
Do you have a Yellow Alumni Jacket
Meal Choice / Dietary Restrictions
Will you be bringing a vehicle?

All applications will be thoughtfully reviewed and considered; however, submission does not guarantee selection. You will be contacted by SkillsUSA staff with our decision by March 30. We appreciate your interest and dedication to SkillsUSA.

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